Growing peat-free in Australia

John McDonald is National Biosecurity Manager at Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA). He wrote this opinion column for the May 2024…

Magic happens with Fairy Magnolia

With their revolutionary line of compact, evergreen and profusely flowering Fairy Magnolia, Australian plant breeder’s agent Anthony Tesselaar and award-winning…

The waxflower ‘wow che bello’ factor

In Italy, Pescia-based cooperative FloraToscana does an excellent job coordinating the production and sales of Helix Australia’s potted waxflower, aka…

Ground root support for the growers

Protected Cropping Australia is the peak industry body representing commercial hydroponic and greenhouse growers across Australia. The Australian protected cropping…

Glowing success of Blush Petals

Two years after its launch at the pandemic’s start, Blush Petals has bloomed into one of Australia’s top sourcing and…