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The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) members consist of thousands of growers of flowers and ornamental plants around the world who are together united by one essential goal – promoting the place of plants in people’s lives.
Our Annual Review in 2023 marks AIPH'S 75th Anniversary and the many activities we have achieved
Learn moreAIPH is responsible for approving the world’s most exceptional horticultural expos creating long lasting green legacies in cities across the globe.
Approved Expos
Expo Support Programme
AIPH Blooming Economies & Cities to Inspire the World
AIPH Blooming Economies & Cities to Inspire The World 2.0. Up-to-date statistics from recent Expos hosted in Asia and Europe.
Learn moreAIPH hosts several conferences, webinars and events such as the International Grower of the Year award throughout the year. Read about these along with the latest news about the association’s activities.
Upcoming Events
Previous Events
AIPH International Grower of the Year
The AIPH International Grower of the Year Awards celebrate the best of the best in ornamental horticulture
Learn moreAIPH’s key aim is to stimulate demand for ornamental trees, plants and flowers worldwide. We are committed to supporting growers in achieving this by protecting and promoting the interests of the industry.
Ornamentals Groups
The AIPH’s Global Industry Intelligence Centre (GIIC) is an international hub for industry information and knowledge exchange.
Statistical Yearbook
Consultancy and Bespoke Reports
Understanding The Chinese Market
The report contains research into; Working middle class in China. Domestic production in China & Retail research summary of the floral retails survey.
DownloadAIPH Green City activities promote the essential role of plants in creating vibrant urban areas in which people and businesses can thrive.
Green City Guidelines
Green City Awards
New Year, New Free Novelty Protection Webinar on Tuesday, 16 January. Our guest speakers include Mr Dirk Theobald, CPVO Senior Technical Advisor, and Dr Niels Louwaars, Director of Plantum.
Mr Theobald has been working in the headquarters of the CPVO since 1995. In his presentation for the Novelty Protection Webinar, he will discuss the developments and challenges within CPVO since its establishment in 1994.
Dr Louwaars has provided advisory services to several countries on their seed policies, including plant breeders’ rights. He is also the initiator of the International Plant Variety Protection course, which will have its 25th edition in 2024. He will discuss Intellectual property discussions in relation to NGT’s and the ongoing sustainability transitions for ornamental growers.
13.00 Welcome to attendees from Dr Audrey Timm, AIPH Technical Initiatives Manager, and introduction from Mr Jack Goossens, AIPH Chair of the AIPH Ornamental Production Committee.
13.02 Mr Goossens will open the webinar and introduce the first speaker.
13.05 – 13.30 Mr Dirk Theobald, CPVO Senior Technical Advisor, will focus on Developments and Challenges within CPVO. 25 minutes.
13.30 Mr Goossens introduces the second speaker.
13.32 – 13.47 Dr Niels Louwaars, Director of Plantum, will present Intellectual property discussions in relation to NGT’s and the ongoing sustainability transitions for ornamental growers. 25 minutes.
13.47 – 14.00 Mr Goossens leads panel-style Q&A with Mr Theobald and Dr Louwaars.
14.00 Dr Timm thanks attendees and will invite SPG members to stay online for the Novelty Protection report by Ms Mia Buma, Novelty Protection Group Advisor to AIPH.
14.05 – 14.30 Ms Buma will update SPG Members in the Zoom breakout room, which will take 20 minutes, including questions and answers.
14.30 meeting to be closed by Mr Goossens and Dr Timm.