Exceeding expectations online

Being honest online to customers is just as important as face-to-face trade It was my first time shopping plants online,…

PBR in relation to harvested material

Mia Buma is Ornamentals Production Advisor to AIPH, wrote in the July-August 2021 edition of FloraCulture International magazine. AIPH’s Novelty…

Paying homage to the auction clock

In the run-up to Mother’s Day, Royal FloraHolland reported a record week turnover of over 170 million euros. This achievement…

Covid-19: One year later

Well, it is now a year since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the global population.  We have never experienced anything like…

We Connect to Grow

Fred van Tol, Manager of International Development at Royal FloraHolland writes about the Floriday Platform. “It had a major impact…

Jan-Dieter Bruns
Whoever stops, falls behind

“At the time of writing, the number of coronavirus infections worldwide is nearing eight million and global deaths 1.1 million.…

Tailoring Approaches

‘‘If I’d have asked the people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses’’- Henry Ford Having made acquaintance…

The green connection

How time flies, and so much has happened in 2020. Twelve months ago, I dedicated this column to the digital…

Preparing for the new reality

One of Royal FloraHolland’s key investment targets is the digitalisation of all transactions by the end of 2020. With Floriday,…

Fred van Tol
Preparing for the new reality

One of Royal FloraHolland’s key investment targets for 2020 is the digitisation of all transactions by the end of 2020.…