Flanders’ Florall show cancels again

SINT-DENIJS-WESTREM, Belgium: With much regret, the organising committee of Florall has agreed that the 2021 spring edition of Florall must be cancelled.

Show organiser AVBS, the Belgian board for ornamentals growers, florists, and landscapers, says it has taken this decision after much deliberation. In doing so, AVBS has considered the second wave of Covid-19 in Belgium and the latest government guidance including stricter travel restrictions and social distancing requirements. AVBS stresses that its highest concerns are the health and safety of exhibitors, visitors and all those involved in the staging and running of the trade show.

At the same time, Florall has added an online trade directory/virtual catalogue to their website www.florall.be

This online B2B platform will bring industry professionals together 24/7 and enable buyers to browse through the grower’s product portfolio. The trade show organiser hopes that this virtual tool will empower the grower’s visibility, drive innovation and improve industry collaboration.

Set to take place around Florall’s original date is a virtual Florall Awards ceremony. Growers and traders can submit new plants, with an panel of expert judges choosing the winners.

In terms of organising a physical event, AVBS has now set its hopes on August 2021 when the world will hopefully regained itself and normalised. Florall’s latest live event took place on 3 March 2020 when Belgium’s leading trade show for ornamental horticulture brought together 80 exhibitors and 800 attendees.

For more information visit www.florall.be

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