J’Adore poinsettias expected to gain momentum

DE LIER, Netherlands: Dümmen Orange, the world’s largest breeder and propagator of cut flowers, bulbs, tropical plants, pot plants, bedding plants and perennials, says its J’Adore series of poinsettias is likely to gain momentum this Christmas.

Both shape and bract colour set the J’Adore family apart. What is more, their members make for great combos with Poinsettia Autumn Leaves in stunning peachy yellow or the rare yellow gold variety ‘Golden Glo’.

From a grower’s perspective, the Dutch breeders says, the company’s extensive range of Poinsettias, including J’Adore, offers plenty of opportunities to tap into the ‘Colourful Christmas’ trend. J’Adore Poinsettias feature a distinctive round habit, and strong, V-shaped structure, which are likely to appeal to a new generation of plant lovers created by the pandemic.

Each variety is easy to grow and is ideal for mini, midi and standard pot sizes. The J’Adore family members have a response time of 7 weeks, while Autumn Leaves and Golden Glo take 8 weeks. Since all of them belong to the early segment, they are perfect for getting the season off to an early start!

To have all six varieties reaching their flowering stage at the same time, Autumn Leaves and Golden Glo should be blacked out one week earlier due to their slightly longer response time.

Dümmen Orange says that J’Adore has a good shelf life and transports well.

J’Adore is suited for high-density cultivation, especially from a financial perspective.

The J’Adore family from Dümmen Orange in Rheinberg (Germany) combines four varieties in unique colours from white to dark pink: J‘Adore White Pearl, J‘Adore Soft Pink, J‘Adore Pink and J‘Adore Dark Pink.

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