The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) Marketing Forum will take place on Wednesday 17 October 2018 at Horticulture House in Oxfordshire. HTA Marketing Forum has brought together speakers from inside and outside of the industry, aiming itself at all those involved in marketing and public relations in the garden industry.
‘How to’ sessions during the day will include ‘How to… Create a successful blog/vlog’ and ‘How to… Engage and activate an audience’, and case studies from across the industry with exemplar businesses will share the secrets of their success.
HTA Security Partner from B2BSG Solutions Ltd, Colin Warnock, will show how the latest customer counting technology can enable evidence-based marketing strategies by measuring turn-in, dwell time, return visits and cross-shopping as well as customer flows.
Graham Thomas from Eight Days a Week Print Solutions will be using his 30+ years’ experience within the print industry to deliver effective campaigns for garden centres and other retailers. He will also demonstrate how printed marketing materials, both addressed and unaddressed, are still relevant in today’s digital world.
To ensure that your story gets noticed and featured in the media Managing Director, of online garden news website Garden Forum, George Bullivant will providing his top tips.
Emma Glue, Trade Marketing Manager for Farplants, will be highlighting their marketing approach using recent examples including their award-winning Small Plants for Small Spaces campaign.
You will also be able to hear Sarah Manning, Simone Bonnett, Jo Dales, Robbie Cumming, and David Denny. Throughout the day they will be covering topics ranging from social media, visual merchandising and Facebook advertisement.
For more information, updates on speakers and to book your place click here