Zabo Plant to host the official opening of the 2018 Dutch Lily Days

On Tuesday, June 5, Zabo Plant is the proud host for the official opening of the seventh Dutch Lily Days. The company located in ’t Zand is one of 14 lily breeders and exporters that are opening their doors. The annual lily event welcomes more and more visitors from far away every year. The four-day event concludes on Friday, June 8. The opening is this year on June 5th at ZABO Plant and accessible to everyone. Walk-in is at 2 pm, opening act at 3 pm.

Luke Broersen from Zabo Plant has experienced the great benefit of this annual display for the cultivation and trade sector. ‘The event has become enormously important for us and for all other participants. In the last few years, all of our foreign customers have come to the Netherlands. It is a great moment to review new varieties with our customers. The threshold is kept low so that everyone can visit not just our nursery but all the other exporters’ test nurseries as well.’

Familiar core of participants

As part of the opening ceremony of the four-day event, marketing consultant Pieter Landman has been engaged to speak. At the same time as the start at Zabo Plant, doors elsewhere will be open. The Dutch Lily Days has built up a familiar core of participants over the years, who are thus the most important representatives of the sector.

The effects of the Dutch lily promotion are also evident internationally: breeders and exporters find it easier to enter new export markets thanks to the Dutch Lily Days. The event attracts new growers as well. This year, a strong increase in the supply on the market is noticeable.

Participants in seventh Dutch Lily Days

During the seventh Dutch Lily Days being held from Tuesday to Friday, June 5 to 8, a total of 14 companies welcome guests from near and far: P. Aker, Van den Bos Flowerbulbs, Bot Flowerbulbs, De Jong Lelies, Lily Company, Mak Breeding, Onings Holland, C. Steenvoorden, GAV Lilies, Gebr. Vletter & Den Haan,  VWS Flowerbulbs, World Breeding, Zabo Plant and Royal van Zanten.




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