Dümmen Orange adds two  miniature potted carnations to its portfolio

WESTLAND, Netherlands: Two new varieties have emerged from Dümmen Orange’s breeding programme offering reliability in cultivation and enduring consumer appeal.

The popularity of some plant categories has lain dormant over the years, only to return greater than ever. Pot carnations are a wonderful example of this. Whether a new miniature potted carnation finds its way to the consumer is primarily decided at the point of sale. Bold colours, an abundance of flowers and a generally compact plant habit are some of the must-have characteristics. Dümmen Orange’s cultivars ‘Peman Red’ and ‘Sprint Fancy Purple’ are equipped with the best credentials for this.

‘Peman Red’ is a top-class, bright red addition to the popular Peman series. It blends superbly in combination with the other ‘family members’ , creating an ideal basis for popular potted carnation combinations such as the Confetti mixes. Potted carnations from the Peman series are heat and cold tolerant, grow strikingly uniform and their PGR requirement is low. They are suitable for both indoor and outdoor production. In the home, the new Peman variety truly comes into its own with its abundant, bright red semi-double flowers, creating a long-lasting display of blooms and an excellent overall shelf life. The latter is also noticeable at the POS of course.

With the addition of ‘Peman Red’, this well-established series now comprises a strong set of five consistent colours: the two-tone violet ‘Peman’, the two-tone lilac-coloured ‘Peman Fancy Lilac’, the two-tone cherry blossom-inspired ‘Peman Fancy Cerise’, and the violet ‘Peman Violet’. For the 2021 season, the ‘Peman Merlot’ variety is also waiting in the wings. This means that growers will be able to put together an attractive CC trolley for POS using the six individual varieties. The Peman series makes also a stunning feature in landscaping projects.

Miniature potted carnation cultivar ‘Sprint Fancy Purple’.

Another highlight—not only at the POS—is the upright ‘Sprint Fancy Purple’ variety. The Sprint series heralds the new potted carnation season with its ideal characteristics for the early sales period and ideal for Valentine’s Day sales.

The entire Sprint series is perfect for early sales before the summer annual season as well as for summertime production. With its double flowers in two-tone pink, ‘Fancy Purple’ draws the eye both at the POS and later wherever it is planted. Its truly captivating nature is also derived from the harmonious contrast of its intensely bright, medium-sized flowers against bluish-green lanceolate leaves.

With ‘Fancy Purple’, growers can expect uniformity in terms of plant growth, cropping time, and earliness. In addition, the variety’s inherently medium vigorous, uniform growth habit means that—similar to the new ’Peman Red’—it has minimal PGR requirements. The many different colours and types available in the Sprint series enable a diverse range of combinations for both indoor and outdoor use.

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