Astilbe simplicifolia ‘Pretty in Pink’ wins Best in Show Award at Groen-Direkt’s Summer Days

Boskoop’s Royal Horticulture Society (KVBC) awarded Astilbe simplicifolia ‘Pretty in Pink’ submitted by Compass Plants B.V.  and Hans van der Meer Potplanten from Nieuwe Wetering (Netherlands) with the Best in Show Award at Groen-Direkt’s Summer Days. A total of ten new plants battled it out to win KVBC’s prestigious Medal.

The jury praised the prize-winning Astilbe for its dark stems and two-toned – pale and dark pink – looser plumes. The nicely proportioned plant is a little larger in terms of foliage and inflorescence than, for example, Astilbe simplicifolia ‘Sprite’ and ‘Hennie Graafland’. This enchanting look makes the novelty a welcome addition to the range, said the KVBC jury.

Astilbe simplicifolia ‘Pretty in Pink’

This time, KVBC did not award gold medals. Astilbe simplicifolia’ Pretty in Pink’ ended with the highest score in the Silver Medal category and, as such, as Best in Show.

Lavandula intermedia ‘Tesseract’ (SENSATIONAL!) and Hydrangea macrophylla ‘HORE9311’ (DOPPIO FREDO) were given lower scores but eventually won a KVBC Silver Medal.

Five plants were awarded a KVBC Bronze Medal.


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