All bodes well for Italian garden market, claims survey

MILAN, Italy: Horticultural trade exhibition Myplant & Garden working with market research company Euromonitor International has published preliminary survey outcomes on the Italian garden market. Future growth lies ahead!  

A more or less rosy future lies ahead for the Italian garden market, reveals the first conclusions of the survey whose complete figures will be presented at the Myplant show in Milan this February 20-22. The survey states that “The garden retail market is a major economic and social driver”.

Italy has an ageing population, as is the case in many other parts of the world, leading to more Italians being dedicated to gardening. They will continue to look for tools and machinery to help them with their gardening work so sales of  such are estimated to rise significantly (average growth between 2017-2022: +6.4%). It’s also anticipated that an ever-increasing number of Italians will buy products and collect  information online with an outspoken preference for organic products.

The Italian garden market is worth around $3 billion. In comparison the German and UK garden markets are worth around $8 billion and GBP 5.7 billion respectively.

At 2017 values in US dollars,North America has the biggest market at $37.7 billion garden retail sales a year, followed by Western Europe at $32 billion, Eastern Europe at $2.4 billion,  Asia at $8.2 billion, Australasia at $2.5 billion, Middle East and Africa at $2 billion and South America at $1.3 billion. Total garden retail sales amount to approximately $86.1 billion when calculated globally.

Euromonitor’s survey predicts a constant growth in Italian garden centre sales until 2022, reaching the €3 billion level from 2010.

While revealing the first details of the Euromonitor survey, Myplant trade show organiser also announced seven new feature areas for the fifth edition of the show: Landscape Pavilion, Decor District, Motorgarden, Sport and Leisure Area, Garden Centre Trends Showcase , Tree Care World and a dedicated area for Urban Green Management.  The Landscape Area in Hall 20 will be dedicated to the world of design, landscape and urban redevelopment through green building. Décor District in Hall 12 is the international window for floristry and the combination of fashion, decoration, music and signature craftsmanship, while Motorgarden will have its own outdoor live demo area for tools and machinery. A brand new Sport and Leisure area in Hall 20 will host a series of themed  meetings with some of the most important stakeholders in the Italian sports industry.

The Garden Centre Trends showcase, an absolute ‘must-see’, will present innovative and scenic exhibiting concepts and a rich display of novelties by the companies operating in the industry. The Tree Care area (Sistema Albero) is another innovation of the upcoming edition of the show. Myplant  will cover the theme of arboriculture, by meeting experts in the field and giving space to a number of practical demonstrations.

Finally, the area dedicated to Urban Green Management will attract contractors, landscape designers and urban green specialists.

Myplant & Garden – International Green Expo

Venue: Fiera Milano – Rho Pero |
Dates: 20-22 February 2019 |
Opening hours: 20-21.02: h. 9-6pm / 22.02: h. 9-5pm |
Frequency: annual |
visitors: trade operators |
operative office: VG Crea, Milano, Tel. (+39) 02.6889080 |

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