Growers now have access to the latest plant growth regulator (PGR) research and use tips in one handy resource with the release of the 2019-20 PGR Guide for Annuals, produced by Fine Americas in partnership with GrowerTalks.
“The PGR Guide started as a creative way to bring growers practical, usable information that’s invaluable for their operations,” says Greg Johnson, President, Fine Americas, Inc. “We work hard to make it the ultimate resource for the latest research and use tips on plant growth regulators across the market.”
The PGR Guide is produced biannually, with an alternating focus on annuals and perennials. In the 2019-20 annuals edition, Fine Americas taps into the vast knowledge of PGR expert Brian Whipker of North Carolina State University to feature topics including:
* Drenches for crop rescue
* Optimizing coleus growth control
* Enhancing stem elongation and flowering
* Hidden benefits of PGRs
* The industry’s most comprehensive rate table, which includes rates from PGR product labels, Virginia Tech research results and other published sources
* Full-line PGR dilution table with all PGR PPM rate specs in a single reference. Always read and follow label directions.
* And more
To download the 2019-20 PGR Guide for Annuals, visit
For more information about Fine Americas or any of its products, visit
Fine Americas focuses on the development and marketing of plant growth regulators (PGRs) for agricultural and ornamental crops. The company is continually striving for improved PGR technology that answers the demands of today’s quality-conscious growers. Fine is certified to ISO 9001:2008.