Dümmen Orange launches two new Vitamum garden mums

WESTLAND, Netherlands: Reliability in cultivation and enduring consumer appeal – these two important qualities are shared by the garden mum varieties Lively Red Bicolor and Lively Pink Bicolor, that is the message from breeder and propagator Dümmen Orange accompanying the launch of  two new varieties that the company will sell under its Vitamum brand.

Dümmen Orange launched Vitamum last year. The brand encompasses new series of garden mums that  boast easy production, longevity, and long-lasting colour retention – features that make them perfect for a long sales period. Vitamums win over the consumer in an instant with their large, radiant blooms in strong, fresh colors and their compact habit. For growers, the reliable and uniform properties of the specific ranges are paramount.

Vitamums represent an exclusive range consisting of interesting new varieties and consumer favorites. Under this brand name, breeders have brought together different families such as Homerun and Ditto, each of which contains a coordinated assortment of varieties.

The families have different flowering times ranging from mid-August to late September. This delivers a major benefit for growers: from an extensive range, they can select individual varieties or combinations of families that fit in with their own cultivation programs.

The Vitamums are also perfect for colourful mixes such as the Confetti Garden Party combination. Additionally, growers profit from vigorous, innovative varieties with reliable genetics. The starting material Dümmen Orange supplies consists of disease-resistant, absolutely uniform varieties, and a wide range of marketing materials are also available.

Lively Red Bicolor comes in vibrant orange and red, while Lively Pink Bicolor captivates with its light and dark pink flowers. Both varieties are the result of heavy investment in mutation breeding and are actually mutations of one another. In fact, they are the best bicolor garden mums on the market, according to the product managers. The varieties are suitable for all pot sizes and both black-out or normal cultivation, either under glass or outdoors. And like all Vitamum brand varieties, they boast excellent colour retention. Even the product managers are completely blown away by the bold colour of the flowers.

Mutation-bred varieties are ideal for unique series featuring strong, bright colours combined with uniform response and flowering times. The customer benefit could not be clearer: they guarantee a narrow flowering window and a uniform sales period.

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