KFC’s Clement Tulezi lends his support to Grandparent’s Day

Clement Tulezi of Kenya Flower Council firmly believes the world’s ornamental horticultural sector is well-positioned to build on the positive momentum it has created by freely giving away tons of blooms to hospitals, nursing and retirement homes. He has confidence that more and more countries in the world will start to celebrate Grandparent’s Day, the holiday which has been granted official status by law in Italy and Bavaria.

Tulezi thinks Grandparent’s Day is an opportunity for the flower industry to show positivity in society. He says, “Solidarity between the different generations is more topical than ever, and flowers and plants are the natural glue to bind generations.”

Last February, Tulezi met with Charles Lansdorp, the President of the Felini Foundation and the man who has been tirelessly striving for a global Grandparent’s Day. When Lansdorp explained to him all the ins and outs behind the campaign, he immediately loved the idea of connecting generations with sustainable flowers from, in his case, Kenya.

Tulezi says, “The current coronavirus crisis shows how strong and important the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can be. The society is asking the younger generation to show solidarity with the older generations who are more vulnerable to the coronavirus.”

In our next issue of FloraCulture International, we will publish an interview with Charles Lansdorp.

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