The grand finale of the Green Cities Europe Award will happen on Tuesday 7 November in what is touted as Brussels’ greenest cafe, Bar Ginette.
Now in its fourth year, Green Cities Europe Award is an initiative of the European Nurserystock Association (ENA) in association with nursery organisations in 13 European countries which are united in the EU co-funded Green Cities Europe campaigns.
In 2020, the Belgian city of Beringen won the inaugural Green Cities Europe Award, followed by Nantes (France) in 2021 and Alkmaar in 2022.
Campaign and Award highlight the added value of green space in the urban environment. Each European country in this campaign can enter a national project. The projects are judged by a jury that consists of a delegated jury member from each participating country in this Award.
The panel of expert judges will announce this year’s winners at an awards ceremony on 7 November in Brussels’ greenest cafe, Bar Ginette at Luxembourg Square.
Among the guests will be several members of the European Parliament, including Mr. César Luena (Vice-Chair ENVI Committee and Nature Restoration Law rapporteur) and Mr. Tom Vandenkendelaere (MEP).
To mark the occasion, the cafe will be transformed into a lush green oasis offering visitors the opportunity to experience firsthand the value and beauty of a green environment and enjoy lunch in a green and healthy environment. Nearby Café Luxembourg, opposite of Bar Ginette, will also be decorated with a variety of greenery.
In the middle of the current century 70 per cent of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Today, many urban areas are already suffering from the negative effects of climate change, as well as other negative consequences such as undermined social cohesion.
Around 2050, the negative consequences of climate change on living conditions will be dramatic, due to higher temperature, more frequent and excessive rainfall with consequential flooding, more widespread and excessive drought.
Green Cities Europe is an EU funded campaign that encourages the greening of public spaces by providing innovative ideas, information based on scientific research and technical expertise. Its activities address certain themes: health, climate, economy, biodiversity and social cohesion. The participating countries are Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, the Netherlands and Sweden.
The November issue of FCI magazine focuses on Green City Europe including an extensive coverage on the Dutch semi finale which happened on 12 October in Alkmaar, the Netherlands.
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