German competition watchdog green lights rules for Euro Plant Tray

Euro Plant Tray is arguably the industry’s largest collaborative project to boost multi-use plant trays.

The German competition and markets authority, Bundeskartellamt, has given the green light to horticultural companies that team up with Euro Plant Tray to reduce the number of single-use plant trays in the sector.

Sustainability initiatives can have the potential to lead to a substantial lessening of competition and, as such, rules under the cartel prohibition.

Therefore, the European cooperative Euro Plant Tray eG, a cross-industry initiative that brings the entire horticulture community together to significantly reduce the number of single-use plant trays in the sector, asked the German competition and markets authority, Bundeskartellamt, to review the Euro Plant Tray initiative.

Following months of intense debate, the authority has given EPT the green light to roll out its multi-use Euro Plant Tray on the European level and, as such, reduce the ornamental plant sector’s environmental impact and increase loading efficiency.

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