Fiera di Parma announced today that the 2024 annual Flormart show will be held between 25 and 27 September at the Fiera di Padova convention centre in Padova, northeastern Italy.
The 73rd Flormart show will evolve around the ‘Green Italy’ theme, bringing the world of commercial horticulture, urban greening and landscaping together. Now that the global green city movement is gaining traction, the Flormart forum discussions will highlight how green infrastructure can contribute to a city’s liveability through its economic, social, and environmental benefits.
Flormart’s September 2024 edition will serve as a platform to exchange ideas and research findings. The focus will be on Italian-grown flowers and plants, allowing growers to showcase their latest breeding breakthroughs and excitingly new, tried and trusted varieties.
Among the new visitors to Flormart – ‘The Green Italy’- are some emerging professional figures, such as landscape designers, architects, and institutions and public bodies responsible for urban planning.
Several buyers from large-scale distribution and garden centres have already confirmed their participation, given the increasing interest in the sector in dedicating more and more space to floriculture, horticulture, and home gardening in the modern points of sale.
In addition to showcasing innovations in breeding, cultivation, processing, packaging, equipment, and services for the global ornamental horticultural industry, Flormart will offer top-notch education seminars aimed directly at the green professional.
In the run-up to the show, Fiera di Parma, in association with the University of Florence and Italy’s Order for Agronomists and Foresters (Consiglio dell’Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali) will host several Flormart roadshow event, the first one in Parma discussing the energy transition and the use of solar panels in the nursery stock industry.
A recap on the 2023 Flormart can be found by clicking HERE.