20 August 2020
WESTLAND, Netherlands: World Horti Center and Plant Empowerment present a brand new Tech Talks webinar on August 27.
Is it possible to grow high quality crops and reach bigger yield while using less resources? World Horti Center and Plant Empowerment will show growers around the world how to reach this goal while using a sustainable cultivation method. International growers are invited to delve into the roadmap towards a sustainable and profitable future, during a brand new Tech Talks webinar on Thursday, August 27, from 16:00 till 17:00 CEST.
Broadcasted live from World Horti Center, Plant Empowerment’s specialists will share the roadmap to sustainable cultivation. Also, a grower who has implemented the principles will share his experiences during a table discussion
The webinar will take place on Thursday, August 27, 16:00 – 17:00 CEST. Registration for this webinar is free of charge and possible via this link: https://www.worldhorticenter.nl/en/event/tech-talks-webinar-plant-empowerment
World Horti Center organises multiple ‘Tech Talks’ throughout the year. The purpose of these events is to share sustainable and innovative ways of cultivating crops with growers around the globe. During this edition, the Dutch knowledge and innovation centre for international horticulture covers the indispensable theme of Plant Empowerment.
Plant Empowerment is a unique cultivation method that leads to more yield and better crop quality while using less resources such as water, energy and nutrients. The theory of this sustainable cultivation method is described in the book Plant Empowerment: the basic principles which is well received by growers worldwide. Currently, Growing by Plant Empowerment is supported by six world leading horticultural companies: Saint-Gobain Cultilene, Hoogendoorn Growth Management, Ludvig Svensson, LetsGrow.com, Hortilux Schréder and Koppert Biological Systems.