(Left to right) Mr Yuk Teak Lim, President of the Korea Flower Cultivate Association (KFCA) and Mr Choon-Jim Kim, president of the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT).
AIPH – International Association of Horticultural Producers and the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 11 March.
As the world’s champion for the power of plants, AIPH aims to support and promote the work of its Members—the grower organisations around the world who form our proud AIPH community.
AIPH Secretary Mr Tim Briercliffe with aT President Mr Choon-Jin Kim.
Mr Yuk-Teak Lim, President of the Korea Flower Cultivate Association and an AIPH member, invited AIPH’s Secretary General, Mr Tim Briercliffe, to a meeting at the aT Center in Yangjae-dong, Seoul.
He met with the aT President, Mr Choon Jin Kim, on 8 February to discuss ways to stimulate and promote the ornamental horticulture industry in South Korea.
The Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation is a government agency of the Republic of Korea established in 1967 and specialises in promoting agricultural and fishery foods, including the ornamental horticulture industry. Last year, the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, a government department in charge of agricultural and forestry projects, designated aT as an agency dedicated to promoting flower culture and flower consumption into daily life.
The MoU between aT and AIPH aims to uphold an appreciation of flowers and plants and enhance a collaborative alliance to sustain the planet for this generation and the next.