Green City Case Study Library

Case studies

Submission of information for the Green City Guidelines case study library

"*" indicates required fields

Green City Case Study Library

Thank you very much for your interest in submitting a case study for the 2020 AIPH Green City Guidelines. The case study will be posted on the AIPH website in the Case Study Library of the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines. These case studies are concise descriptions of your project and the benefits that it has brought to the city.

Fields marked with * are required.

Start with a short outline of the project. This is the first thing that readers will see in the Case Study Library, and will make them want to know more and read your full case study. (Max 50 words)*

Please select which section of the guidelines your case study best represents. You may tick more than one.*

Please select which section of the guidelines your case study best represents. You may tick more than one.

Please could you tell us about your project in the four sections below. Short answers or dot points are quite suitable, and some sections ask for a more detailed answer with a word limit.

Inspiration and implementation

Describe the main inspiration and purpose for the project - what were the core aims, and where did the idea for such an innovative project come from? (Max 250 words)*

Tell us how the project was funded – who were the main contributors, and do they have an ongoing interest in the project?*

We would like to know where the plants were sourced, and who made the selections.*

Let us know who is responsible for the maintenance of the site, and who they report to. How is maintenance funded? Do volunteers help on the site?*


Write about the benefits of the site and if they are monitored in any way - perhaps in the contribution that the site makes to climate change attenuation (cooling the urban heat island effect, managing water flow to prevent flooding, reducing air pollution), health and well-being, or community resilience (education, social networks). (Max 250 words)*


Tell us if the project was initiated in response to a local or national policy that requires urban greening. What does the policy require from planning and implementation?*

We’d love to hear if this project has influenced other developments or projects. Is its success widely reported, and has it won any awards?*


Please share with us what is it that you believe is the most important thing about this project. What has been the most challenging aspect, and what have you learnt along the way? Would you have done anything differently? (Max 200 words)*


Please share photos, plans or posters about the project.

You can upload 6 images. Each uploaded image or photograph must have a caption that explains what it shows, and have a credit that recognises the origin/designer/photographer.

By submitting images you give AIPH permission to use these on the AIPH website and in any printed or digital media that promotes AIPH activities.

Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 450 MB, Max. files: 6.

    Contact Details

    First Name*

    Last Name*


