City: | City of Joondalup |
Country: | Australia |
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This initiative received the AIPH Youth Award at the AIPH World Green City Awards 2024.
The City of Joondalup is located in Western Australia in Mooro Country. The traditional custodians are the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. With a population of 160,995 and a total land area of approximately 99 square kilometres, the City is one of the largest local governments in Western Australia by population. The City manages and cares for approximately 365 parks, natural areas and public open spaces that are central to the wellbeing of residents and the wider community. The City is committed to enhancing public open spaces, improving water efficiency, ecological health and visual amenity while creating places for the community to enjoy.
This commitment to building a more liveable and resilient City is reflected in the City’s response to climate change through the implementation of the City’s Climate Change Strategy. The Strategy identifies corporate and community focused initiatives that aim to adapt and mitigate against environmental impacts of climate change, rapid urban growth and increasing heat-island effect. The Strategy covers six key focus areas: infrastructure and assets, parks and reserves, land use planning and development, natural environment, corporate responsibility and good governance, and community wellbeing.
Achievements from the implementation of the Climate Change Strategy include:
Water savings contributed to the City achieving the highest accolade in Western Australia, being recognised as the 2022 Platinum Waterwise Council of the Year and winner of the Water Sensitive Cities Award.
Initiatives implemented through the adoption of the City’s Climate Change Strategy have contributed towards creating cooler, more inviting green urban spaces within the City and resulted in increasing the City’s canopy cover from 9% in 2014 to 12% in 2020 (Better urban forest planning – Perth and Peel ( Positive environmental effects of the initiatives include reduced ambient air temperature and cleaner air through absorption of polluting gases; reduced cooling energy consumption costs and water savings through reduced evaporation rates; increased habitat for wildlife; street appeal and community amenities including safer walking environments and shading and improved community health and wellbeing.
Joondalup is named after Lake Joondalup. The name comes from the Noongar language.
By undertaking planting activities the City is contributing towards reducing climate change impacts identified in the City’s Climate Change Strategy. Scientifically based evidence adopted to determine tree planting locations across the City includes thermal heat mapping software and tree-canopy surveying. Selected locations are based on areas found to generate the highest surface temperature. Trees are planted in selected areas to reduce surface temperatures by increasing the canopy formed as trees mature.
A smart irrigation system uses scientifically based evidence to control groundwater use in parks and sporting grounds across the City. Based on evaporation rates the controllers automate required groundwater and switch off the system when it rains. This has reduced the amount of groundwater the City uses for irrigation purposes.
This is having a positive effect on the City’s streetscape and future generations will continue to reap the benefits. The planting program will forever change the look and feel of the City for the better. Ultimately by increasing canopy cover and biodiversity throughout the City, it will create cooler, more inviting green urban spaces that will improve the comfort of pedestrian movement and reduce the ‘urban heat island’ effect generated by existing hardstand surfaces as well as providing fauna habitat.
The Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032 identifies that the City’s vision is to have a strong focus on sustainability, liveability, active lifestyles and friendly social interactions. The City’s aim is to be an environmentally-aware and socially-responsible City by creating healthy environments, with accessible parks and green spaces.
The City exploited the potential of plants and associated ecosystems to deliver several benefits to the community and the environment. This includes contributing towards reducing the impacts of climate change by increasing the number of trees planted across the City both in areas found to generate the highest surface temperature as well as where residents have requested trees to be planted on their verge.
The initiative has improved the amenity and street appeal of the City’s suburbs providing the community with waterwise verges that supports the Climate Change Strategy. The Waterwise Verge Rebate Program provided the opportunity for the community to be supported to create their own waterwise verges and contribute to a greener, biodiverse and more inviting City that aligns with the City’s strategic goal of reducing the impacts of climate change. The program provided residents with waterwise plants for their verge and valuable information through the delivery of workshops and support from City staff to guide their decision making.
This has supported the City to achieve actions included in the Climate Change Strategy at both a strategic and operational level. Through the delivery of the Strategy, the City has developed guiding documents for residents. Street Verge Guidelines and the Tree Management Guidelines provide information and advice to residents about the benefits and use of the verge area adjoining their property and their obligations in relation to installing and/or maintaining improvements on the verge in accordance with the City of Joondalup Local Government, Public Property Local Law 2014.
The Climate Change Strategy identifies the need to be bold, unique and innovative to reduce the City’s water use in preparation for a drying climate. The innovative adoption of a Smart Control Irrigation System resulted in decreasing the City’s groundwater usage by 86,027kL in 2020-21 compared to 2019-20. Previously when it rained, City staff would manually turn off each irrigation controller at individual parks. This proved inefficient and costly, and a poor use of staff time and more importantly impacted the City’s water efficiency. The innovative system means responses occur in real-time to environmental conditions ensuring the City’s irrigation programs are efficient and effective. The technology supports the City to manage and enhance urban parks in a cost effective manner by improving operational efficiency and reducing water and power usage.
In responding to climate change, the City prioritised initiatives to reduce water usage by improving green urban environments. With the goal to upgrade at least one park per year, the City uses detailed landscaping and irrigation designs to reduce irrigated areas by implementing hydro-zoning, eco-zoning and waterwise landscaping. When upgrading play spaces, poor condition turfed areas are removed and replaced with mulch and nature-based play items and irrigation is switched off. Trees across the City that are removed due to being in poor condition and unsafe are stored and then upcycled and used as nature play equipment in City playspaces. In 2021/22, 10 play spaces were upgraded, converting irrigated turf areas to unirrigated mulched areas.
The City adopts a strategic approach to planning and implementing climate change actions and acknowledges the value partnerships have in achieving successful outcomes. Collaboration with the Water Corporation through adoption of the Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan – Waterwise Perth Action Plan 2, has assisted the City in working towards being recognised as a world-leading waterwise community including achieving Platinum Waterwise Council status. Biodiversity and revegetation projects in Yellagonga Regional Park are undertaken in partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and the City of Wanneroo, a neighbouring local government. DBCA partners with the City to identify and protect designated threatened species and ecological communities according to the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
The City is a member of the WALGA Local Government Urban Forest Working Group and the Integrated Weed Management Working Group. The City partners with the Western Australian Planning Commission and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to implement the Better Urban Forest Planning Guide. DPLH provides the City with urban canopy data to identify tree planting locations. The City collaborates with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to identify and respond to weed, feral animal, pest and pathogen threats. The City partners with Birdlife WA, The Forever Project, Duncraig Edible Garden and Friends Groups and local nurseries to educate the community about the importance of protecting and maintaining urban habitat. The City used funding to engage three local waterwise specialist nurseries to supply plants to residents participating in the Waterwise Verge Rebate Program.
The City acknowledges that climate change is an important emerging issue for local government in Western Australia. Climate change will affect many areas local government is responsible for including the natural environment. By 2070 it is expected that the City will have hotter, drier and windier summers with the number of days over 35°C nearly doubling. Winters will be drier, warmer and less windy due to fewer low-pressure systems. Responding effectively to climate change involves being proactive and identifying strategies to implement now that will have generational impacts.
The City of Joondalup is situated within the south-west corner of Western Australia, a global biodiversity hotspot, an area particularly vulnerable to climate change. Climate-related research focused on the south-west of WA identified that rainfall has decreased by approximately 15% since the mid-1970s and is projected to continue decreasing throughout this century.
South-west WA has the highest concentration of rare and endangered species on the continent and is already being impacted by habitat fragmentation and will be exacerbated by climate change. Expected climate change impacts within the region include (but are not limited to) reduced water availability; increased bushfire risk; increased spread of vector-borne diseases; and increased threats to habitats of flora and fauna. Perth has the least tree canopy cover of all Australian capital cities, with less than 20% of its area covered. The City recorded 12% canopy cover in 2020 and is subject to the urban heat island effect which will worsen with increased temperatures due to climate change.
Climate change is an important issue for the City of Joondalup and its residents as it can potentially impact many areas managed by the City including infrastructure, health services, water management, emergency management and the natural environment.
Residents care about and value water and the City serves as a catchment to provide healthy natural environments, supporting a range of social, ecological and economic benefits. The City has been actively reducing groundwater use, reducing the urban heat island effect, keeping suburbs cool and liveable and is continually striving to become a more waterwise City in response to climate change impacts. The Leafy City Program aims to mitigate the environmental impacts of climate change, rapid urban growth and reduce heat-island effect by increasing leafy canopy cover in residential streets through tree planting. The Waterwise Verge Rebate Program encourages residents to create waterwise verges by accessing $250 vouchers, free waterwise plants, workshops and more. The program supports positive environmental impacts including increased biodiversity, canopy cover and ecological corridors, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and water use. The City manages and cares for approximately 365 parks, natural areas and public open spaces that are central to the wellbeing of residents. The City is committed to enhancing public open spaces with waterwise landscapes, improving water efficiency, ecological health and visual amenity while creating places for residents to enjoy.
Over the past five years, the City has planted approximately 16,300 trees on verges, within parks, medians and streets across 22 suburbs. Data indicates the City has increased the canopy cover by 3% from 2014 to 2020. Tree type selection is based on what is most suitable for the location and maximum canopy the trees can provide for the space, balanced between natives and exotics. To ensure the best chance of establishment, trees are planted in wetter, cooler months and establishment support is provided for up to three summers eg watering, formative pruning, weeding and fertilising.
The City’s nursery propagates up to 10,000 plants a year which are distributed to the City’s 20 Friends Groups that care for the City’s coastal, wetlands and bushland natural areas. City staff collect seeds and plant cuttings from natural areas and propagate them for replanting into the same areas from where they were collected. This saves the City 30-40% in purchasing plant costs. More importantly, the genetic purity of the native species is retained. This local provenance propagation method ensures seedlings are resilient and suited to the local soil and climate conditions. The certified standard nursery is pathogen free, plants produced are hardy and suited to limited water supply, ensuring their survival rate. Overall, greening of the City has been achieved using waterwise plants resulting in improved local water quality and improved community health and wellbeing. The City has worked at increasing biodiversity while improving local amenity and creating cooled local communities.
The City’s ongoing investment and commitment towards nature-based solutions in response to climate change has proven feasible in terms of gaining community support and achieving strategic outcomes. Overwhelming community support for the City’s urban greening initiatives has contributed to them featuring strongly in the City’s vision, goals and outcomes outlined in the Strategic Community Plan, Joondalup 2032. The long-term vision established via extensive community consultation identifies a strong focus on sustainability, liveability and active lifestyles. The Plan identifies the City’s goal to have a beautiful natural environment which is cared for and protected, and for residents to have access to quality public open spaces and enjoy appealing streetscapes. By the City demonstrating best-practice in sustainability and environmental management, the community is encouraged to be actively involved in conservation and sustainability initiatives. There is a shared responsibility for preserving natural assets for future generations and the community understands and is prepared for the impacts of climate change. The City aspires to be a global leader in environmental management, working closely with the community to protect and enhance the natural environment while celebrating and showcasing its natural assets to the world. To achieve the strategic vision the City has committed almost $3 million in funds and resources over the past five years towards greening initiatives. The initiatives have led to the introduction of Tree Management Guidelines, Street Verge Guidelines and How to Create a Waterwise Street Verge Guidelines to assist the community in supporting the City’s strategic goals.
The City has achieved resident participation by being proactive and implementing several strategies to engage residents in supporting a Green City. Through the City’s Street Tree planting programme residents can request trees for their verges. In the past five years, the City has provided trees to almost 2,000 residential properties.
As a major stakeholder, the Water Corporation has partnered with the City to deliver initiatives that reduce the reliance on water whilst still ensuring the City is boasting an abundance of green urban environments. As a Waterwise Council for the past 13 years and recently the Platinum Waterwise Council in 2022 the City receives funding from the Water Corporation to implement unique initiatives. This has included the Waterwise Verge Rebate Program and the Carina Loop Waterwise Display Garden which aims to inspire residents to create waterwise gardens.
The City partnered with BirdLife Australia to build bird habitats and connect the local community to nature. A key component involved identifying sites where existing on-ground works could be complemented by understorey planting, creating recreation spaces that showcase how bird-friendly design can complement existing amenities in suburbs. Planting was undertaken with the community at two parks as well as a series of workshops and events held in the City to introduce local residents to the multiple benefits of having a green urban environment that attracts birds. Two community bird walks were held and an online workshop encouraged people to become citizen science ‘superheros’ by recording birds they see in their local urban environments.
Strategies adopted to ensure the success of urban greening initiatives include the City’s Arboriculture team investigating site conditions, such as soil and weather conditions, infrastructure and services, water availability and existing trees to inform tree selections. Underground moisture sensors at various locations monitor soil moisture levels remotely, allowing the City to accurately adjust watering frequencies. Much deeper excavation depths are used and a customised soil conditioner specially designed and produced by the City’s Arboriculture team supports healthy tree growth. Trees are located to minimise interference with private property and maximise shading of the hot-spot asphalt. City engineers review tree locations based on account service locations, traffic sightlines, growth offsets and pedestrian thoroughfare.
The Leafy City program uses scientific methodology to identify tree planting locations and with no opt out options this initially contributed to some angst for residents. By educating residents on tree planting benefits the City was able to gain community support. The City works closely with residents to ensure minimum inconvenience. A challenge for the City is competing financial commitments in the budget each year. With rising costs, the City has limited funds to increase the tree planting budget to meet resident demand. The tree planting programs and the waterwise verge program are heavily oversubscribed. The waterwise verge program was oversubscribed by at least 25% within one month of opening with many residents contacting the City requesting the program to continue. All resident enquiries are logged in a lesson’s learnt register to further improve the program.
The City monitors and reports on the progress of achieving nature-positive outcomes annually through the Annual Report and State of the Environment Report. Urban tree planting programme successes are reported by providing the number of trees planted, their locations and data from airborne high-resolution imagery that monitors the City’s tree canopy. The State of the Environment Report includes key environmental achievements, canopy cover data from DPLH and vegetation condition data from Astron.
Corporate Business Plan Quarterly Reports outline achievements and performances against quarterly milestones outlined in the City’s 5-Year Corporate Business Plan. A medium-term planning document, it contains services, projects and activities which have been developed in response to the vision, goals and outcomes of the 10-Year Strategic Community Plan. It is presented to Council each quarter and published on the City’s website.
The Customer Satisfaction Survey measures resident satisfaction. It assesses the performance of services as detailed in the Corporate Business Plan. The recent survey identified that more than 96% of residents said they were satisfied with Joondalup as a place to live, 92% of residents said they were satisfied with City services, while 85% said they were satisfied with the City’s customer service.
City contractors are required to report progress of tree planting using an integrated Works Order system. This contributes to the City’s reporting systems ensuring the healthy development and longevity of the City’s leafy canopy. The City has a significant tree register and lists trees in the City’s asset register.
The City reports on the progress of achieving greening ambitions each year at the highest level in the Annual Report indicating the level of importance placed on urban tree planting. The Annual Report outlines achievements against six key themes of the plan. The City’s focus on achieving nature-positive outcomes is featured in the two themes – Environment and Place. The progress is demonstrated as actual data in terms of the number of trees planted within selected suburbs as well as reporting on the City’s overall increase in tree canopy.
Within the Annual Report the City also identifies the challenges around climate change which is an opportunity to highlight this to residents and elected members for future funding opportunities. One of the challenges identified was the need to raise community awareness of key environmental issues and inspire community members to undertake positive sustainable actions. This provided support to the City’s implementation of the new Waterwise Verge Rebate Program released in 2023. With the City contributing funding and resources to the project as well as receiving external funding the program was an outstanding success with the program being oversubscribed within a few weeks of release. There has been community support for this program to continue if future funding can be sourced.
The City’s nursery provided almost 50,000 plants over the past five years to Friends Groups with the aim to support community volunteers to restore conservation values and improve community appreciation for the natural environment.
Commitment to implement actions under the Climate Change Strategy supported the City to continue to be recognised as a Gold Waterwise Council, awarded the 2022 Platinum Waterwise Council of the Year and receive the 2022 Water Sensitive Cities Award. The latest Annual Report identifies Targets and Measures under the classification of “The Natural Environment” including:
Target: Percentage of native vegetation protected across the City’s natural areas. Measurement: Percentage of native vegetation in natural areas. Achieved: 88% of natural areas designated as “protected”.
Target: To meet or exceed the baseline amount of $100,000 funding per annum and 50% of successful grant applications for environmental management projects. Measurement: Value of funding received and percentage of successful grant applications. Achieved: 100% success rate for grant applications for environmental projects with a value of $756,455.
Target: To participate in a minimum of three environmental best practice promotional initiatives per annum. Measurement: Number of case study and article publications, awards won and conference and seminar presentations delivered on environmental matters per annum. Achieved: Delivered five community events with 100% satisfaction rating.
Another measurable outcome the City reports on is the number of trees planted. This includes both resident requested trees and those included in other City tree planting programs. These outcomes are reported in the City’s Annual Report. In 2023 the City has experienced the highest number of resident street tree applications comparative with the past four years, equating to a 32% increase in the number street tree applications received in 2023.
The City measures achievements against the Waterwise Council Action Plan and reports to the Water Corporation each year which determines the City’s Waterwise Council Status. Data includes the amount of water used and initiatives to reduce water usage. The City records groundwater consumption data from all sites monthly to highlight sites with high or changing use volumes, which are then investigated. This data is reported in the City’s Annual Report each year. The City has implemented several initiatives to reduce water usage based on feedback received from the Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
A highly regarded initiative promoted by external stakeholders, is the installation of the City’s Smart Control Irrigation System. The system was implemented to improve irrigation control of the City’s parks and public open spaces. It was promoted by Irrigation Australia and awarded an Environmental Leadership and Sustainability award from Local Government Professionals WA in 2022. The system allows the City to monitor, adjust and maintain irrigation from a smartphone, laptop or any web enabled device in real time. Installation of the Smart Control Irrigation System resulted in the City’s groundwater usage decreasing in 2020/21 by 86,027kL, compared to 2019/20. The City has continued to achieve its City Water Plan target to reduce the amount of groundwater used per hectare (ha) by 10% from an average of 7,500kL/ha to 6,750kL/ha. This is in line with the future groundwater allocation reductions proposed by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.
The Climate Change Strategy identifies actions to be undertaken by the City which includes a commitment to educate and work with the community towards achieving positive outcomes for the environment. The City has continued to achieve a high level of community engagement by delivering environmental education initiatives for residents, schools, businesses and the broader community. Through various programmes, the City encourages sustainability related to biodiversity, waste, water, transport and climate change.
The City’s commitment to working with the community towards reducing the reliance on water is demonstrated by a waterwise garden makeover at the City’s Administration Building. The project was facilitated by the Forever Project and co-funded by the Water Corporation and the City. Residents observed the installation of the sustainable waterwise garden while learning about soil improvement techniques, native plants, waterwise information and weed management. The new garden design is interactive, with a wide variety of waterwise native plants and trees, mulch, soil improvers, recycled rubble, wastewise gabions as seating, a bird bath, and an informal path made from crushed recycled bricks.
The makeover aligns with the City’s Gold Waterwise Council status, Waterwise Verge Rebate Program and Environmental Education Program. Educational signage installed in the garden further encourages the public to create their own waterwise native havens, with the event taking place in the midst of community members hoping to win the City’s Waterwise Verge Garden Competition. The workshop was well received, with community members thrilled at the prospect of converting their own gardens.
The City has been identified as a leading local government in Western Australia in successfully implementing strategies to reduce the use of water and encouraging the community to adopt waterwise practices.
A recent media release by the state government acknowledged the City as having a leading role in helping residents live more sustainably. Joondalup MLA Emily Louise Hamilton stated that, “The City is a leader in sustainability and was recognised as a Platinum Waterwise Council at the May 2022 Waterwise Recognition event and subsequently received additional funding this year for their great work in this space. This is a great example of a local government working alongside Water Corporation to promote the waterwise message at a grassroots level.” The media release highlighted one of the City’s recent projects, Carina Loop waterwise demonstration garden, where co-funding was used to remove existing grass, decommission irrigation and install waterwise plants and informative signage. The project was also shared as a case study with other local governments via the WA Local Government Association and the Water Corporation.
The City’s Smart Control Groundwater Irrigation System project has also featured as a case study to inspire other local governments to introduce waterwise initiatives. The project featured in the 2022 spring and winter issues of the Overflow magazine, a quarterly publication by Irrigation Australia. Irrigation Australia is Australia’s peak national organisation representing the Australian irrigation industry in all sectors from water users, consultants, designers and installers through to educational institutions, government, manufacturers and retailers.
Through the Climate Change Strategy, the City’s approach to reducing the carbon footprint is multifaceted. It includes City led initiatives and community education and awareness programs. Through the City’s tree planting programmes, the City is committed to reducing carbon emissions by increasing vegetation cover to combat rising temperatures and the urban heat island effect throughout the City’s public open, space, verges and medians.
The Park Revitalisation Programme aims to reduce the carbon footprint by undertaking eco-zoning and hydro-zoning in City parks. Water consumption is reduced by creating hydro-zones to allow different watering rates to be applied to different areas of the parks. By developing eco-zones turf areas are mulched which reduces water consumption. In 2020-21, the City implemented eco-zoning and hydro-zoning principles in Macaulay Park reducing water usage for irrigation by 42%. Sustainable features to reduce the carbon footprint include use of recycled materials, trees for shade, garden beds planted with waterwise, local plant species and use of removed damaged tree trunks in playgrounds. Tree trunks are retained and stored for re-purposing as nature-play areas eg balancing logs and steppers.
The Waterwise Verge Rebate Programme supported residents to replace grass, synthetic lawn and hardscaped (e.g. paving) verge treatments with native plants and mulch. The programme aimed to reduce the carbon footprint by supporting positive environmental impacts including increased biodiversity, canopy cover and ecological corridors, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and water use. The programme included free street trees, native plants, seeds and mulch as well as nursery vouchers and workshops.
To demonstrate best practice in environmental management the City monitors the consumption of resources including energy (electricity, natural gas, fuel) and scheme water. Consumption data is used to assess progress against the City’s strategic environmental targets, to inform maintenance and management of City assets and facilities, and is reported annually, inclusive of greenhouse gas emissions. The City uses a responsive web-based tool to record and analyse utility management and environmental resource data. This ensures accurate, timely and reliable utility management and capturing of environmental resource data. The City monitors groundwater usage and reports data annually to DWER.
In greening the City, consideration is given to plant selection that reflects the drying climate of Western Australia and future impacts of climate change. Native waterwise plants are prioritised as they do not require ongoing irrigation or require minimal water to thrive. The City uses the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Plant Directory and has established guidelines that list waterwise trees for selection by residents requesting street trees. The City inspects tree locations prior to planting to ensure the area is suitable eg no restrictions relating to services such as overhead power / underground services. Tree species are reviewed by the City’s Arborist prior to planting in parks. To ensure the best survival rate when trees are planted on medians and in parks, the City undertakes manual watering at establishment stage and then a watering schedule is implemented for the first two years for summer only when rainfall is limited.
Procedures and guidelines are in place to ensure implementation of the City’s Climate Change Strategy is sustainable and resilient including:
Environment Plan, a strategic document that ensures the City’s operations are delivered in an environmentally sustainable manner. It supports the City to take measures to effectively influence positive environmental behaviours within the community.
Waterwise Council Action Plan guides the City’s corporate and community waterwise actions to increase water efficiency and improve water quality.
Pathogen Management Plan and Pathogen Hygiene Procedure Guide sets out requirements for staff and contractors to prevent spread of pathogens.
Purchasing Guidelines for the Supply of Landscaping Materials ensures the City only uses Australian Standard (AS4454) certified pathogen free mulch and plants from nurseries compliant with Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA).
Weed Management Plan 2023 – 2033 provides an integrated approach to the management of weeds.
Tree Management Guidelines provide advice and guidance for planting trees within the City. Includes a preferred tree list for residents to select a tree and application form for a free street tree.
Procedures ensure the optimal survival rate of new trees including use of soil conditioner at the time of planting to guard against poor soil conditions resulting in sustainable, healthy plant growth, saving up to 50% in irrigated water.
Local Planning Scheme No. 3 provides additional protection to natural areas to prevent clearing activities.
Environmental Education Programme supports residents to adopt sustainable behaviours such as the Waterwise Verge Rebate Program and other waterwise and biodiversity related events and initiatives.