Residents, workers and visitors are attracted to green and flowers in the urban environment. Green for aesthetic reasons alone is still a legitimate investment.
Planting design is the art of combining plants based on their leaf colour, texture, flowering time, flower colour, and growing requirements (sun, soil, wind, water). In public open spaces it is also important to consider the use of the space, possiblities of vandalism, and maintenance demands. The softscape (green) is just as important in terms of design as the hardscape (layout, paving, benches, lighting, etc.). Use the right plants for public spaces and avoid dangerous situations such as tall plants that block views at intersections or poisonous and thorny plants near playgrounds.
Start the design process with an inventory of what exists on site, or what once existed there to create a sense of place. Use elements such as existing trees, water, topography and native plants to inspire the design and give it a local character which fits into the surrounding neighbourhood or environment. The use of historical and cultural elements also adds to the character.
Even natural green space in the urban setting requires maintenance. Every square metre of green needs to be high quality and well maintained for residents and visitors to retain a positive image of green.
Use plants to beautify streets and neighbourhoods and add to the overall image of the city.