BURGH HAAMSTEDE, Netherlands: Dutch fern breeder and propagator Vitro Plus is delighted to announce their newest Dryopteris goldiana.
The genus Dryopteris is very large; has over 225 species and about 77 hybrids. It holds the largest number of excellent ferns of which most are winter hardy in zone 7
There is one for every garden. Fortunately they do not spread out quickly in gardens and have short rhizomes, which result in beautiful compact clumps. After a few years it is necessary to split the plants in order to keep them in good health.
Once the plant has established in the garden this genus will thrive well in dry conditions. The name comes from Greek and means “forest fern”.
A feature of many species of this group is their scaly leaf stem, which ranges in different colours from: bronze, gold, brown to black, therefore you will get beautiful displays of unrolling fronds in springtime.
Vitro Plus’latest addition to the Dryopteris collection is Goldie’s wood fern. It is one of the most beautiful largest Dryopteris species for your garden. Suitable in many temperate zones, in zone 3 to 8. It is a endemic fern on the east coast of the USA. The shade of green varies from a bluish green to a pastel green. Grows well in a light shaded spot and in moistened soil and is easy to keep.