ANNAPOLIS, USA: The American Wholesale Florist & Florist Supplier Association (WF&FSA) will hold its 2022 Development Experience (DevX) on July 27–29 in Minneapolis, Minn.
Formerly known as Management Institute, DevX is a unique, hands-on opportunity for WF&FSA members to experience education in a whole new way. Participants will learn practical skills to help them tackle timely business problems, while engaging in exceptional networking opportunities and interacting with industry peers.
“This year’s DevX is about bringing a new way of learning to attendees and giving them the opportunity to network and learn timely topics to help advance their careers,” said WF&FSA Executive Vice President Molly Alton Mullins. “We are looking forward to what DevX will bring to the floral community and the lasting impact this hands-on learning experience will have for everyone who attends.”
The programme begins early morning on Wednesday, July 27 with a road trip to visit wholesalers Len Busch Roses and Koehler & Dramm, Tonkadale Greenhouse, and the floral retailer Bachmans. Participants will end the day at Len Busch Roses for an evening of fun and festivities.
Business growth strategist Meridith Elliott Powell opens Thursday, July 28 with a session on strategy and talent, entitled, Thrive: Turning Uncertainty to Competitive Advantage. Powell will share her experiences on how to turn uncertainty into an opportunity for growth and planning. After lunch, she’ll present a session devoted to talent attraction and retention.
On the final day of DevX, author and sales trainer Paul Reilly presents a session on value-added selling, focusing on competing on value to sell more profitably.
Registration for DevX is now open for WF&FSA members. Visit for more information and to reserve your spot at this attendance-limited event.
The Wholesale Florist & Florist Supply Association (WF&FSA) is an international association comprised of wholesalers, suppliers, growers, importers, and shippers of cut flowers, greens, plants, and florist supplies and is headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland. For more information visit