Jungle Talks announces inaugural Pro Manager Mastercourse Floriculture

From 28 October until 10 November 2018, 16 managers between 25 and 40 years old of international, ‘future proof’ floricultural companies will visit the Netherlands for two weeks. They are participants to the first Pro Manager Mastercourse Floriculture, an initiative of Jungle Talks in cooperation with leading horticultural companies from the Netherlands.

Within 5 to 10 years from now, the selected participants are expected to fulfill leading management /board of director positions within their companies. Ed Smit of Jungle Talks shares that the level of the candidates exceeded expectations. ‘We received 36 applications and finally selected 16 participants. These managers are working at leading floricultural companies all over the world and some of them are already CEO.’ The selected participants come from the USA (3), Guatemala (2), Brazil (3), Colombia, Kenya (3), Uganda, Slovenia, Denmark and Vietnam. This group is a great reflection of the worldwide floricultural sector, both in terms of geography and product differentiation. ‘We have participants active in the production of Phalaenopsis and others who focus on green plants, cut flowers, young plant material and we even have a participant engaged in cannabis production from the USA and another in tobacco production from Brazil.’

During two intensive weeks in the Netherlands, the selected participants are immersed in a wealth of horticultural knowledge and experience. Koppert Biological Systems, Ridder Growing Solutions and Rabobank are partners of the Pro Manager Mastercourse and are facilitating this event. In close cooperation with these partners a high quality visit program has been compiled. Cooperating companies’ directors are receiving the participants and will discuss merely strategy and vision, not so much products or services. That experience must give the participants a final encouragement in their development towards director/CEO. After two weeks of company visits, complemented by inspirational sessions and interactive meetings and workshops, the participants will present their personal vision on the future of the international floricultural sector and the role of their company in it. This takes place during a final session for which partners, supporters and other relevant contacts will be invited.

In addition to mentioned partners, the Pro Manager Mastercourse Floriculture is also supported by  Beekenkamp Plants, Wageningen University & Research, Mprise Agriware, Klasmann-Deilmann, Imagro, Van der Valk Horti Systems and Benefits of Nature. “We are very proud these leading companies and organizations work together to support and inspire this group of international high potentials,’ says Ed Smit. “Jungle Talks will maintain and foster the contacts between participants, partners and supporters also after the Pro Manager Mastercourse, in order to make sure that all parties will make the most of this valuable cooperation.”

Pro Manager Mastercourse Vegetables
It is the first time that Jungle Talks organizes the Pro Manager Mastercourse. Following this floricultural edition in October and November, a Pro Manager Mastercourse Vegetables is planned for January and February 2019. More information on this event will follow soon.

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