Autumn is the time for planting spring-blooming flower bulbs. The gardeners at the most beautiful spring garden in the world Keukenhof have started planting more than 7 million flower bulbs. The result of this back-breaking chore can be seen next spring when the 28ha park in Lisse opens between 23 March and 14 May.
Planting tulip, daffodil, hyacinth, crocus and muscari bulbs at the right time will help them look their best. The ideal time that is between October and December. Ideally the job must be finished before Christmas so the bulbs have been given enough time to establish roots and before they go dormant in winter.
To ensure a long flowering period Keukenhof opts for bulbs with consecutive flower periods, plants them at different depths at the same spot. The largest and latest flowering bulbs go in deepest, with layers of earlier-flowering bulbs above them. Amateur gardeners can use this so called lasagna technique and replicate Keukenhof successes in their border or garden pots.
Keukenhof began in 1949 when a group of visionary bulb growers came up with the idea of holding an annual exhibition, as a shop window for their products.
Seventy three years later, more than hundred bulb companies use Keukenhof to show the cream of the bulb crop. Next year, will mark the debut of four new exhibitors among which is Horizon Flower Family from Zwaagdijk.
Keukenhof 2023 opens between 23 March and 14 May.
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