28 June 2021
MIAMI, USA: Augusto Solano, executive president of the Colombian trade body Asocolflores, received the prestigious Leland T. Kintzele (LTK) award at WFFSA’s annual Floral Distribution Conference, which this year happened at the Doran in Miami, between 7-9 June.
This three-day conference was a celebration of WF&FSA members and the floral industry overall with plenty of opportunities for attendees to network and discuss this past year, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with suppliers and wholesalers. The ongoing logistical challenges and product shortages were also key topics of conversation.
The Leland T. Kintzele Distinguished Service Award was established to recognise and honour individuals who have made or continue to make substantial contributions in the floral industry and have shown distinguished service that exemplifies the integrity, fairness, perseverance and decisiveness of Leland T. Kintzele, president of WF&FSA from 1963 to 1965.
During the conference, WF&FSA hosted a VIP Reception, a “Together Again” Party, keynote sessions on building leadership skills, as well as presentations from key members of WF&FSA’s leadership.
The Wholesale Florist & Florist Supply Association (WF&FSA) is an international association comprised of wholesalers, suppliers, growers, importers, and shippers of cut flowers, greens, plants, and florist supplies and is headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, USA. For more information visit www.wffsa.org.